When visiting the holiday windows, the Macy’s holiday windows are always just a wee bit out of the way. So we made a separate trip to see them. What to expect from the Macy’s holidays windows in 2021? Take a look.

Your Guide to Family-Friendly Day Trips in New Jersey, New York…and Beyond
When visiting the holiday windows, the Macy’s holiday windows are always just a wee bit out of the way. So we made a separate trip to see them. What to expect from the Macy’s holidays windows in 2021? Take a look.
We often visit Tiffany’s during our holiday window walk in November or December. They have fantastic windows and the store is great to poke around (and they have nice bathrooms). The flagship store is going through a major overhaul, but I still wanted to go in during this holiday season. The renovation isn’t expected to be complete until fall 2022. You can now shop in the Tiffany Flagship Next Door store, which looks polished enough to be a regular jewelry store.
The Harry Potter store opened in NYC in June, and I’m guessing it’s still as busy now as it was when it opened. We went last weekend (mid-December) on a Sunday, which is probably one of the busiest times we could have gone. To find out more about the virtual queue system, scroll to the bottom. Getting INTO the 21,000 foot store is an ordeal. What to Expect at the Harry Potter Store in NYC? Read on.
What to expect when visiting the new FAO Schwarz? This store, on the ground level of 30 Rockefeller Plaza, does not disappoint.
You might recall that FAO Schwarz left its flagship 5th Avenue location in 2015. We still think of it when we walk by, but it was fun to go back in and see some of the same excitement in a different location.
Continue reading “Visiting the New FAO Schwarz”I have to admit, I’m not a home shopping on TV kind of gal, (or even home shopping on the internet person). Certainly I buy things online, but I rarely browse sites just to see what they’re selling, and if I’m going to watch TV, it’s not going to be a shopping show. While I’m not alone in that, I am in QVC’s demographic, of women 35-64, who are educated homeowners. BUT, I can’t resist a factory tour, and the QVC tour of the studio sounded like too much fun to pass up.
A few months ago, someone at the gym mentioned a Vine Ripe mozzarella class in Westfield. Ooh – I love classes like this, but when I looked it up, the class was $99 and lasted an hour. Ouch! I put it in the back of my mind, but when it popped up on Groupon for $49, I bought it and sent out an announcement to friends to join me. And if you use Ebates when buying something on Groupon, you get money back – it’s awesome and very easy (yes, I get credit if you sign up with my link, but I recommend it because it’s awesome).
We loved the Bloomingdale’s windows this year, which feature chandeliers. They’re all going to be auctioned off to benefit the Child Mind Institute.
Each window features a chandelier from a different artist.
Barney’s theme this year is the Love Peace Joy Project. It features work from prominent artists you may or may not have heard of. More on that below. These windows were a lot of fun.
These first two photos are from Rob Pruitt’s window creation. Continue reading “Barney’s Holiday Windows 2016”
If you haven’t had a chance to check out the holiday windows, what are you waiting for? Here are some of my pix from Saks Fifth Avenue. Though I didn’t go at night, they have a lovely light display on the building, above this candy entrance.
Their theme this year is Land of 1,000 Delights. It’s a fun pairing of sweets and some awesome clothing. Continue reading “Saks Fifth Avenue Holiday Windows 2016”
This year, the Macy’s Holiday Windows feature the Peanuts gang. They tell the classic Peanuts Christmas story, with characters that move. Sometimes it’s their heads, sometimes the clouds float from the bottom to the top, and sometimes they cross from one side of the window to the other. You can also hear them narrating what’s written on the window. It’s kind of sad, but ultimately happy. And it’s ironic to see Charlie Brown lamenting Christmas being this big commercial thing – in the windows of the massive Macy’s store. See the 2015 Lord & Taylor windows here.