For the third year, our sister site Frisco Kids is participating in Passports with Purpose, a fundraiser run by travel bloggers to give back to other communities. Each year the organization chooses on project and raises funds for it. In the past, the group built a school in Cambodia, built a village in India, and libraries in Zambia. It’s very much of a grass roots fundraising effort, and minimum contributions are $10.
This year, the recipient organization is, which will build wells in two Haiti communities with the funds. The goal is to raise $100,000 this year, which is easily doable even in $10 increments! Clean water is so important and it’s something we take for granted here in the U.S. In fact, I just wrote about the importance of clean water for A Garden Life profiling another fabulous clean water charitable organization, Water for People.
To encourage you to donate, bloggers solicit amazing prizes like hotel stays in Sonoma, Maui, Vancouver, Mexico, Helsinki, Nicaragua, Mumbai, a trip to Rome, a week in a Provence, an Amazon river cruise, white water rafting in the Colorado river, travel gear, digital cameras, Kindle keyboards, and gift certificates for all kinds of things.
The fundraising ends on December 11th at midnight, with prize winners announced on December 18th. How to enter? You get one entry for every $10 donation. In the “# of entries” spot on the right, put in how many entries you want for each prize you’re interested in, and then give them your email address at the bottom. Easy!
Frisco Kids is hosting this prize:

a Garmin Nuvi 1490LMT 5-inch bluetooth portable GPS with lifetime map and traffic updates. List price is $350. This Nuvi has an ultra-thin design and offers Bluetooth wireless technology for hands-free calling. No need to pay for map and traffic upgrades – they’re free for life. The device even has an ecoRoute feature which will calculate the most fuel-efficient route. Shipping for U.S. winners only.
Why am I excited about this prize? I have a Garmin Nuvi and use it ALL THE TIME in New Jersey. I would not make it down the street without my GPS. Mine is not this fancy, and I would love one with traffic updates and the Bluetooth calling technology. Plus, mine doesn’t have the ecoRoute feature, which I’d also love to have. So I’ll be bidding to win this, along with the other great prizes offered.
Thank you to for sponsoring this prize. Please visit their site and check out the great deals they offer on technology.