Meow Wolf With Kids

Meow Wolf Santa Fe parking lot. Copyright Deborah Abrams Kaplan

My youngest loved Meow Wolf the first time she went and said we had to go when in Santa Fe. I describe Meow Wolf as an escape room meets art installation meets climbing structure. It was heavily funded by George R. R. Martin, of Game of Thrones fame.

One thing that surprised me was just how big it was. You can see the white building in the background, but it goes far back – a former 20,000 SF bowling alley. It seemed endless inside – a good thing, but easy to get lost.

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Review: Weekend in Santa Fe With Kids

There’s plenty to do in Santa Fe with kids, or just go as adults. Here are some of the highlights.

The Georgia O’Keefe Museum. Copyright Deborah Abrams Kaplan

The Georgia O’Keefe Museum is a manageable size with kids. They say to expect to stay for 1 hour – which is about the amount of time we spent. They have devices you can borrow to listen to commentary on certain pieces you choose or you can pull up their website and listen on your phone. They will give you earbuds to use – but probably better to just bring your own. Kids may like the movie which shows her development through time.
There’s an exhibit that shows what she wore, painted in and painted with.

Continue reading “Review: Weekend in Santa Fe With Kids”

48 Hours in Amsterdam with Kids

We recently transferred through Amsterdam on our way from Tanzania. It would be a shame to miss spending time in this wonderful city, so we planned 2+ days in Amsterdam. With so little time, we really had to maximize our hours. (Read 12 random observations about Amsterdam after this).

The Amsterdam houses are built into the water and mud using pylons. The originals are still in place. Copyright Deborah Abrams Kaplan

So here are our recommendations for what to do in Amsterdam with 2 (or 2.5) days, in no particular order. Continue reading “48 Hours in Amsterdam with Kids”

Tips for traveling as an unaccompanied minor

My kids do a lot of traveling, but they’ve never traveled on the plane alone. Until now. I just booked my daughter on a cross-country flight to stay with her best friend for a week.

If you’re considering sending your child on a flight alone, here’s where to start. has a list of airline fees, which includes unaccompanied minor fees. You’ll see that the fees vary a lot according to the airline, ranging from $25 on Alaskan Airlines (one way), to United’s $150 fee one way. That’s in addition to the airline ticket. Some charge by the kid, some charge by the family, and some change the rate depending on the flight length. Of course you’ll want to confirm the rates with the airline as well.




When you start looking into flights you’ll want to ask yourself these questions: Continue reading “Tips for traveling as an unaccompanied minor”