We did our annual NYC excursion on Black Friday to see the lights, the windows and the crowds. This post shares some random things we saw.

We headed to the Bryant Park Winter Village to see the holiday shops. They have a lovely tree. In addition to the skating rink, they have igloos you can rent out, and nearby curling as well (not on ice). In January they’ll have on-ice bumper cars you can rent! As always it’s crowded.

The carousel is running during the holidays too.

Lots of food options. I have no clue what these things are above, but we got expensive hot chocolate from this stand.

Of course we visited the holiday windows. Here are two close-ups, the first from Saks Fifth Avenue and the one below from Macy’s.

We saw some lovely chalk art on the street (below).

I find the Gucci windows creepy, especially these cat creatures below.

While walking to Bloomingdales, we came across this building with a big Christmas tree in the middle. The building includes condos, on east 58th Street.

We did not go into St. Patrick’s Cathedral, but I liked the view of its roof, below.

The Palace Hotel on Madison at 50th Street (below) was hopping, with a big tree and a stand for drinks.

And not holiday-themed, but I did enjoy the graffiti on the truck below.