Meow Wolf With Kids

Meow Wolf Santa Fe parking lot. Copyright Deborah Abrams Kaplan

My youngest loved Meow Wolf the first time she went and said we had to go when in Santa Fe. I describe Meow Wolf as an escape room meets art installation meets climbing structure. It was heavily funded by George R. R. Martin, of Game of Thrones fame.

One thing that surprised me was just how big it was. You can see the white building in the background, but it goes far back – a former 20,000 SF bowling alley. It seemed endless inside – a good thing, but easy to get lost.

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Review: Weekend in Santa Fe With Kids

There’s plenty to do in Santa Fe with kids, or just go as adults. Here are some of the highlights.

The Georgia O’Keefe Museum. Copyright Deborah Abrams Kaplan

The Georgia O’Keefe Museum is a manageable size with kids. They say to expect to stay for 1 hour – which is about the amount of time we spent. They have devices you can borrow to listen to commentary on certain pieces you choose or you can pull up their website and listen on your phone. They will give you earbuds to use – but probably better to just bring your own. Kids may like the movie which shows her development through time.
There’s an exhibit that shows what she wore, painted in and painted with.

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Sunset Boulevard With Kids

I went into Sunset Boulevard cold. My husband saw it in the West End 30 years ago with Patty LuPone. I didn’t know the story, and I only knew a little of the music. While he was eager to tell me about the differences between the shows at intermission (and after), he didn’t need to tell me much. The staging, which I knew ahead of time was different, was totally obvious.

Should you see Sunset Boulevard with kids? I’ll share more at the end.

Read on only if you don’t mind spoilers.

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Review: The Civilian Hotel and Bars

It’s time for a staycation! I’ve been to the Civilian Hotel numerous times for drinks in two of its fabulous bars, but we wanted to stay here as well. This stylized Broadway theater district hotel plays on that strength (see bars, later). But you just feel like a hip, trendy person when you go there. When you walk into the hotel, there are 2 desks down the hall – one is for dining/bar reservations (I think) and one is for hotel check-in. It was the smallest reception desk I’ve seen in my life, but it worked perfectly well and you can leave your luggage with them there if you need as well.

Cozy room at the Civilian Hotel. By Deborah Abrams Kaplan
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Tucson Exotic Petting Zoo – With Kids

A capybara at Ghost Ranch Exotics. Copyright Deborah Abrams Kaplan

Have you ever pet a capybara? I’m guessing you have not. We hadn’t either, until we visited the Ghost Ranch Exotics and Funny Foot Farm outside of Tucson. You get to pet more than capybaras – you can pet warthogs, bulls, emus, porcupines and even hold baby goats. This Tucson exotic petting zoo is a lot of fun.

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Visit a Worm Farm in Arizona With Kids

The shipping containers have racks with worm bins. It’s where the worms grow. The open container in the front also has mature worms and you can put your hands in and find them. It’s a holding tank. Copyright Deborah Abrams Kaplan

Here’s something you don’t usually do on vacation in Phoenix – visit a worm farm in Arizona. But that’s what we did in December, and we loved it. These worms are grown for composting and fertilizer. The Arizona Worm Farm sells worms, castings and black soldier fly larvae direct-to-consumers (gardeners and farmers). This is a 10-acre urban farm (though the area itself does not feel urban).

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New Orleans and Absinthe

This not your typical Jersey Kids post, as absinthe is not a typical kids’ drink. To say the least. If you’re in New Orleans, visit the Museum of the American Cocktail, which is part of the Southern Food and Beverage Museum. The museum is kid-friendly – the cocktail part is too (if kids are interested in learning about alcohol – there are some fun glasses, including tiki glasses there).

Museum of the American Cocktail – copyright Deborah Abrams Kaplan

A sizable portion of the cocktail area is devoted to absinthe, a liquor not so common in our lives today. But it was very popular in the 1800s – artists and writers especially loved it. Think: Vincent Van Gogh, Edgar Degas, Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, Oscar Wilde, Mark Twain, Walt Whitman and Edgar Allen Poe. There were coffee houses/cafes that specialized in the drink.

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2024 NYC Holiday Windows

We made our usual trek into NYC on Thanksgiving weekend to check out the 2024 NYC holiday windows. I have to say, other than Bergdorf Goodman, they were a disappointment. I’ll start with Bergdorf Goodman’s, and then share Macy’s and one from Bloomingdale’s. I’ll share at the bottom more about Sak’s Fifth Avenue’s windows.

AND, scroll down to see the Louis Vuitton scaffolding – which is UNREAL. A highlight of the day.

Bergdorf Goodman – Toast of the Town

Bergdorf Goodman – Ricky Zehavi Photography
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Ellis Island Hard Hat Tour With Kids

I’ve been to Ellis Island and the Statue of Liberty a handful of times since I’ve lived in New Jersey Each time I learn something new. But after taking the Ellis Island Hard Hat Tour with kids (have you even heard of it?) I now know even more. This is a great tour to take with kids – though the official age to go is 13+ (more on that later). You see a whole different side of Ellis Island – literally and figuratively.

One of the Ellis Island hospital wards for contagious men. Copyright Deborah Abrams Kaplan
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